All Opportunities

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$1,500.00 Dorothy Sayle Floyd American Studies
Scholarship for students who are enrolled in one or more honors courses...
$350.00 Doug and Inta Walker
Scholarship for textbooks designated for students pursuing a degree in...
$1,500 Doug and Inta Walker
This scholarship for math/science/pre-engineering majors.
Varies Douglas Mirza Kadjar Memorial
General scholarship based on merit and need.
$350.00 Douglas Mirza Kadjar Memorial Textbook
Textbook scholarship for students in memory of Douglas Mirza Kadjar.
$1,800.00 Dr. Chris & Pam Warford
$1,800.00 Dr. Dennis Brown Scholarship
General scholarship based on merit and need in honor of former Lee...
$1,800.00 Dr. Edwin J &Dorothy Martin Morrow Scholarship
Rusty and Jenny have established this scholarship for students pursuing...
$1,500 Dr. James M. Fayle and in honor of Dr. Robert Fayle Nursing Scholarship
Nursing scholarship given by Dr. James M. Fayle in honor of Dr. Robert...
$1,500 Dr. James M. Fayle Memorial
Nursing scholarship given in memory of Dr. James Fayle. Must be admitted...
$1,800.00 Dr. Keith Coburn
Dr. Coburn served on the Lee College Board of Regents for thirty-three...
$350 Dr. Lawrence W. Maher, Jr. Textbook Scholarship
Student must be accepted into the nursing/allied health program or be a...
$1,500 Dr. Lorena Ward Maher and Dr. Lawrence W. Maher, Jr.
Student must be accepted into the nursing/allied health program or be a...
$1,500 Dr. Richard Atkins Memorial
Nursing scholarship given in memory of Dr. Richard Atkins. Based on...
$350.00 Dr. Wayne Miller Memorial
$1,500 E. B. and Florence M. Richards
General annual scholarship based on merit and need.
$1,500 E. L. Gunn
General scholarships in memory of E.L. Gunn given by his wife, Blanche
$1,500 East Harris County Bar Association
Scholarship for students seeking an AA, AS or AAT degree or plan on...
$1,500.00 East Harris County Manufacturers Association Endowed Scholarship #1 & #2
Scholarship for students pursuing an Associates Degree in: Process...
$1,500 East Harris County Medical Alliance
Nursing scholarship based on need and merit. Must be admitted to the...
$1,500 Edna Gray Memorial No. 1
Nursing scholarship given in memory of Edna Gray based on need and...
$1,500 Edna Gray Memorial No. 2
Scholarship for Education majors based on need and merit.
$1,500 Edna Gray No.1
Student majoring in fine arts.
$1,500 Edna Gray No.2
Scholarship for students majoring in Education to be awarded based on...
Varies EHCMA Annual Fund (East Harris County Manufacturer Association)
Scholarship for students pursuing an Associates Degree in: Process...
$1,500 Eleanor B. Mear
General scholarship requiring enrollment in 9 or more credit hours
$1,500 Elizabeth Burton Young
General scholarship dedicated to the memory of Sherry Coburn by her family
$1,800.00 Emile Romain & Florelle DuPlantier Senac Scholarship
Rusty and Jenny have established this scholarship for students pursuing...
varies Enterprise Products, Mont Belivieu
Enterprise Products Partners, L.P. will provide funding to fund $2,000...
$1,500 Estelle Cameron Scholarship
$1,500 Ethel Huggins
General scholarship that requires students be enrolled in at least 9 hours.
$1,500 Ethel Williams
General scholarship that requires students to enroll in at least nine...
$1,500.00 Evelyn Menking Badgley Memorial
This scholarship is intended for a Robert E. Lee HS graduate.
$350.00 Evelyn Menking Badgley Memorial Textbook
This textbook scholarship is intended for a Robert E. Lee HS graduate.
$1,000.00 Evening Pilot Club
Evening Pilot Club general scholarship for a nursing student.
$1,800.00 Ewell Family Scholarship
$1,800.00 ExxonMobil Advanced Technology Scholarship
Through its programs, initiatives and partnerships, ExxonMobil...
$1,500 Ezmon Williams Dunn Memorial
Scholarships for a student who graduated from Lee, Sterling, Goose Creek...
$0.00 Faculty Assembly
Faculty Assembly
$1,800.00 Family First ER Nursing
Family First ER is Baytown’s premier Emergency Room since 2021. They...
$1,500 First American Bank
Scholarship to be awarded to a business major based on need and merit.
$1,500.00 Florence M. Richards
Florence M. Richards
$1,500 Frank and LaNelle Lostak McKay
General scholarship based on need and merit.
$1,500.00 Frank F. III, Marshall A. and Grace Anne McKay
A general scholarship based on merit and need.
Varies Franks/Tomjack
General tuition scholarship for students.
$1,500 Fredna Coburn
General scholarship given in honor of Fredna Coburn based on need and...
$1,800.00 Gabriel Darnall Memorial
$1,800.00 Gene Gregory Industrial Welding Scholarship
Hobert Eugene ‘Gene’ Gregory had a long and dynamic career in the...
$1,800.00 George & Liza Walmsley Memorial
Tuition scholarship given in memory of George and Liza Walmsley for a...
$1,500.00 George and Lorene Bennett
Honors scholarship for student enrolled in at least one honors class or...