All Opportunities
Award | Name | Actions |
$1,500 |
Lucile Gibbs Carroll Memorial
Scholarship for GCCISD student based on need and merit.
$350 |
Lucy Parks Textbook Scholarship
$1,500 |
Lupe Alfaro
General scholarship to be awarded annually.
$1,500.00 |
Lynn O'Hagan Memorial
Scholarship for students seeking an AA, AS or AAT degree or planning to...
$1,500 |
M.A. Buddy Currie
General scholarship based on need and merit.
$1,500 |
Maggie J. Coffey
Scholarship for student athlete at Lee College based on need and merit.
$1,500 |
Major Otillia Ulrich
Nursing scholarship given in honor of Major Ulrich, USAF Retired. ...
$1,500 |
Manton Stewart and Earlene Stewart Regan Nursing
Nursing scholarship given in honor of Manton Stewart and Earlene...
$350 |
Manton Stewart and Earlene Stewart Regan Nursing Textbook Scholarship
First preference given to a nursing student in need of assistance with...
$1,500 |
Margaret Schmid Memorial
Scholarship for students seeking an AA, AS or AAT degree or plan on...
$1,500 |
Marguerite and Darab Kadjar Memorial
General scholarship given in memory of the donor’s parents.
$1,500.00 |
Maria and Miguel Hernandez
A general scholarship based on merit and need.
varies |
Marjorie Morse
For a student seeking a Vocational Nursing certificate.
$1,500 |
Martha Ann Walls
Scholarship to be awarded to a business major based on need and merit.
$350.00 |
Martha Currie Textbook
Textbook scholarship for textbooks in honor of Martha Currie.
$1,500 |
Martha Jane Huddle Music
Scholarship awarded to a deserving student majoring in the Visual and/or...
$1,800.00 |
Martha Medellin Moreno Award
Award for student pursuing a degree in education.
$1,500 |
Martin and Martha K. Gopffarth
General scholarship that requires students be enrolled in at least 9 hours.
$1,500 |
Mary Ann Stout Hastings Memorial
General scholarship given to student based on need and merit.
$1,500 |
Mary G. Keating
Scholarship for student who volunteers in the community
$1,500.00 |
Mary L. Ponder Memorial
$1,500 |
Maryon S. Babin
Math/Science/Pre-Engineering Scholarship (preferably pre-engineering major)
$350.00 |
Matthew A. Pate
Textbook scholarship in memory of Matthew A. Pate for students studying...
$1,500 |
Matthew A. Pate Memorial
Scholarship for student majoring in technical/industrial/process field....
$1,500 |
Maude Moler
General scholarship that requires students be enrolled in at least 9 hours.
$1,800.00 |
Maudie Cotten (Starling) Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Weston and Delene Cotten in memory...
$1,800.00 |
Maurice & Jennie Robbins Memorial
This scholarship was established by Kathryn Dunlop in memory of her...
$350.00 |
Maurice & Jennie Robbins Textbook
Maurice and Jennie Robbins had a heart for service and loved to...
$1,500 |
Maurice F. Jennings Memorial
Scholarship for student majoring in Technical/Industrial/Process...
$1,800.00 |
Melissa Santana Memorial #2
This scholarship is in memory of Melissa Santana, cousin of Gilbert...
$1,500 |
Melissa Santana Music
Scholarship given to music major based on merit and need; major is one...
$1,500 |
Mercedes Mear
General scholarship that requires students be enrolled in at least 9 hours.
$1,500 |
Merrill Snyder Memorial
Established by the Snyder family to honor their parent/grandparents. The...
$1,800.00 |
Mike McCalum Memorial
$1,500 |
Mohammad Athari Nursing
Nursing scholarship for student accepted into the nursing program. This...
$1,500.00 |
Mollie A. Pate
A scholarship for a full time student majoring in music and playing a...
$1,500.00 |
Monsignor Fred O'Connor
A general scholarship based on merit and need.
$1,500 |
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Britton
General scholarship that requires students be enrolled in at least 9 hours.
$1,500 |
Mrs. Jean Sasser Memorial
Scholarship for students seeking an AA, AS or AAT degree or plan on...
$1,500 |
Msgr. Joseph P. O'Sullivan Memorial
Scholarship for student involved in community service based on merit and...
$1,500.00 |
Muriel Tyssen American Studies
Scholarship for students enrolled in one or more honors courses and/or...
$1,500 |
Music Instrumentalist GCCISD
Instrumental music scholarship for a graduate of Goose Creek CISD.
$1,500 |
Myrtle F. Griffin Memorial
General annual scholarship based on merit and need.
$350.00 |
Nelda R. Merryman Textbook Scholarship
Nelda Ruth Merryman was born in Baytown and graduated from REL High...
$1,500 |
Neva Neuman Cobb Memorial
Scholarships awarded to theatre arts majors.
$1,500.00 |
Ohmstede and EHCMA Leaders
Scholarship for students pursuing an Associates Degree in:
$1,500.00 |
Ozelle Cathriner Memorial
Scholarship for students seeking an AA, AS or AAT degree or planning to...
$1,500.00 |
P. Walter Henckell
Scholarship awarded to a student studying liberal arts who is ...
$1,800.00 |
Pam Pate Memorial
$1,500.00 |
Pat Bracken Memorial