All Opportunities

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$1,500.00 A. Jean Shepherd American Studies
Scholarship for students enrolled in 1 or more honors courses and/or...
$1,500 A. Zellner
Scholarship for student majoring in Technical/Industrial/Process...
$1,500 A.E. (Gene) Griffin Memorial
Scholarship given to Education majors based on need and merit.
$1,500 A.R. Cathriner Business
Scholarship to be awarded to a business major based on need and merit.
$1,500 A.R. Cathriner Mathematics
This scholarship for math/science/pre-engineering majors.
$1,500 A.R. Cathriner Music
Scholarship awarded to a deserving student majoring in music
$1,500 A.R. Cathriner Social Science
Scholarship for student majoring in social science based on merit and need.
$900.00 AAUW Poskey Transfer
$900.00 AAUW Transfer
$1,500.00 Agnes Bracken Mann Memorial
General annual scholarship based on merit and need
$1,500 Al Schmid Memorial
Scholarship for students seeking an AA, AS or AAT degree or for students...
$1,500 Aline Van Meldert Reineke
This scholarship is for single parents and was donated by the Reineke...
$350.00 Alvin Miles
Scholarship for students seeking an AA, AS or AAT degree or planning to...
$1,500 Ann Parks Stasney Music GCCISD
Music scholarship for graduates of a GCCISD high school.
$350.00 Annette Harrison Office Administration
Scholarship to be awarded to a office administration major based on need...
$1,500.00 Annie Beatrice Ponder Memorial
$1,500 Arthur J. and Georgia Hejtmanek Lostak
General scholarship based on need and merit
$1,500.00 Austin Industrial EHCMA Workforce Development
Scholarship for students pursuing an Associates Degree in: Process...
$1,500.00 B. G. Ramsey Memorial
Scholarship for a student majoring in a technical program.
$1,500 Barbara McDonald Rhodes
Scholarship for student with learning, hearing or physical challenges.
$1,500 Barney Gray Social Science
Scholarship for student majoring in social science based on merit and need.
$1,500.00 Bartlett Cocke EHCMA Workforce Development
Scholarship for students pursuing an Associates Degree in: Process...
$1,500 Bay Area Board of Realtors
Scholarship to be awarded to a business major based on need and merit.
$1,500 Bay Coast Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary
Nursing/Allied Health scholarship based on need and merit for students...
$350 Bayshore Fine Rides Textbook
Textbook Scholarship for a student who has participated in the Goose...
$1,500 Baytown Jaycees
Scholarship for students seeking an AA, AS or AAT degree or planning to...
$1,800.00 Baytown Little Theater John Meiners, Jr. Memorial Scholarship for the Arts
John was a long-time active member of the Baytown Little Theater. He...
$100.00 Baytown Recycling Works
$1,500 Baytown Sun
Scholarship for students seeking an AA, AS, or AAT degree or planning to...
$1,500 Bea Horton
This scholarship is dedicated to students who are Lee College...
$1,500 Becky Rene Mostyn
This scholarship is dedicated to students who are Lee College...
$1,800.00 Bennie Gray Kadjar
General scholarship for tuition and fees given in honor of Bennie...
$1,800.00 Bennie Kadjar Memorial
The Bennie Kadjar Memorial scholarship was established by her husband,...
$1,500.00 Benny Moskowitz
A general scholarship based on merit and need.
$1,500 Bernice Alvis Memorial Scholarship
General scholarship based on need and merit
$1,500 Betty Hall Memorial
General scholarship given in memory of Betty Hall by her sons, Mark and...
$350.00 Betty Mae Bonnell Textbook Scholarship
Textbook scholarship awarded to a student completing the Alternative...
$1,500 Bill and Kathleen Harrop
This scholarship is dedicated to students who are Lee College...
$1,500 Bill Camp
This scholarship for math/science/pre-engineering majors.
$350.00 Billie & H.M. Malloy
Textbook scholarship based on merit and need.
$1,500.00 Billye Smith Tiller Memorial
Scholarship for students seeking an AA, AS or AAT degree or planning to...
$1,500 Blanche C. Gunn Memorial
Scholarship given to Education majors based on need and merit....
$1,800.00 Bob & Jane Griffin
$1,500 Bobby L. Warford
Scholarship for students an AA, AS or AAT degree or planning to transfer...
$350.00 Bonnie Eloise Massey Cook
Scholarship to help students with textbooks.
$1,500.00 Brand EHCMA Workforce Development
Scholarship for students pursuing an Associates Degree in: Process...
$1,500 Brent Gopffarth Memorial
General scholarship for students taking 9 or more hours
$350.00 Bridge of Ivies Charitable Corporation
The Bridge of Ivies Charitable Scholarship was established to help...
$1,500 Brown and Root
Scholarship for student majoring in Technical/Industrial/Process...
$1,500 Canet Nursing
Nursing scholarship based on need and merit. Must be admitted to the...